

Above a view by Google Earth. For you slightly modified and showing the historic Obergoms in the year 1900. View from West to East. Mountains altitude 3000-4000 m. Villages in the valley, altitude 1300-1400 m. Distance from villages no 11 to no 2 = 14 km or about 8.7 miles (as the crow flies).

Map Legend
Clicking underlined bold names , will open tourist information. Clicking an underlined family name, will open family information, generally with coat of arms (Text in German).



Rhone Glacier. Here, in the eastern extremity of the Obergoms, the Rhone river rises.



Oberwald. The most upper mountain village. 240 inhabitants in the year 1900. Between them Bellwalder, Hischier, Hutter, Imsand, Kämpfen, Kreuzer and Zumoberhaus.



Obergesteln. 242 inhabitants. Between them Andereggen, Anthenien, Aufdereggen, Hallenbarter, Imahorn, Jost and Senggen.



Ulrichen. 233 inhabitants. Between them Blatter, Garbely, Imahorn, Imfeld, Imoberdorf, Imsand, Imwinkelried, Seiler and before also Werlen (1865 emigrated to Argentina).



Geschinen. 88 inhabitants. Between them Jost, Kaempfen, Lagger, Mueller, Weger and Werlen.



Muenster. Old name "Conches". Former Greater parish. Their borders are the borders of Obergoms. 417 inhabitants. Between them Bacher, Guntern, Imoberdorf, Imsand, Jergen, Jost, Kiechler, Kraft, Lagger, Nessier ,Pfefferle, Rovina, Thenen, von Riedmatten, Werlen and Zehner.



Reckingen. 314 inhabitants. Between them Biderbost, Blatter, Carlen, Eggs, Garbely, Guntern, Jerjen, Lagger, Müller, Schmidt, Steffen and Walpen.



Gluringen. 108 inhabitants. Between them Carlen, Frankiny, Hagen, Holzer, Imwinkelried, Michlig and Minnig



Ritzingen. 85 inhabitants. Between them Biderbost, Carlen, Guntern, Schmidt, Seiler and Walther.



Biel. 94 inhabitants. Between them Andereggen, Aufdereggen, Carlen, Chastonay, Guntern, Rovina and Zeiter.



Selkingen. 109 inhabitants. Between them Andereggen, Eggs, Hauser, Imhof, Walther, Walpen and before also Ritz.


Total 1930 inhabitants. Figures from the year 1900. At that time the great majority were cattle breeder and agricultures. They were self sufficient in nearly every aspect.

In our days there live about 2000 people. Their most import income is tourism. Visitors are impressed by the beauty of the countryside and the historic villages, with their dark, sun tanned chalets around white churches.

Münster in the year 1900. Painted by Daniel Thenen.

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