Pfeil Pfeil Pfeil Pfeil
Franz Müller
Maria Katharina Biderbost
Johann Baptist Biderbost
Katharina Werlen
Severin Müller
Waldburga Biderbost
Antoinette Müller alias Muller



Frank Gossman

Antoinette Müller alias Muller

  • Geboren: 18. März 1860, Reckingen
  • Ehe: Frank Gossman
  • Gestorben: 20. Okt. 1929, USA im Alter von 69 Jahren

   Ein Alternativ- oder Ehename von Antoinette war Antonette Gosman.



Came to America
Found in the 1910 Census. Possible spelling of last name is Gosman, Gusmann, Gossman. It indicates that Antoinette was born in Switzerland, came to the United States in 1882, and is a baker. Also listed in the 1920 census as Gossman (Frank age 54, Antonia age 60), and immigration date of 1880. Still listed as a baker in a bakery.

Antonia is not listed in the 1930 census (died in 1929), but Frank and daughter Sophia are listed. Frank's occupation is identified as a baker in a bakery.


Antoinette heiratete Frank Gossman. (Frank Gossman wurde geboren um 1867 in Germany.)

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