Peter J Grossman



Ludwina Müller alias Muller

Peter J Grossman

  • Geboren: 20. Mai 1862, Mulbern, Germany
  • Ehe: Ludwina Müller alias Muller am 23. Jan. 1893 in Illinois
  • Gestorben: 8. Aug. 1918, Illinois im Alter von 56 Jahren
  • Bestattet: 10. Aug. 1918, Illinois


Source: Calvary Cemetary Records

Obituary: Illinois State Journal, 08/09/1918 pg 7

Grossman, Peter J.; at 9 a.m. Thursday, August 8, 1918, at St. John'shospital following an operation at the age of 66 years, 8 months. The decendent was born at Mulbern, Germany, May 20, 1862. Funeral services will be held at 8:30 a.m. tomorrow at the residencce and at 9 a.m. at St. Peter and Paul church. Interment at Calvary cemetery.

The decedent was a member of the St. Vincent's society and St. Paul'sbranch of W.C.U. The remains were removed to the undertaking establishment of Joseph Schneider and later to the residence, 131 East Carpenter Street.

Surviving are his wife, Ludwina Grossman; five children, Rose, Catherine, Emma, Nicholas, and Joseph, and two brothers living in Germany.


Peter heiratete Ludwina Müller alias Muller, Tochter von Severin Müller und Waldburga Biderbost, am 23. Jan. 1893 in Illinois. (Ludwina Müller alias Muller wurde geboren am 15. Aug. 1862 in Reckingen, starb am 29. Jan. 1937 in Illinois und wurde bestattet im Jahr 1937 in Illinois.)

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