Florence Muller
- Geboren: 1. Jul. 1917, Illinois
- Getauft: 14. Jul. 1917, Illinois
- Ehe: Warren F Dodd am 4. Jul. 1935 in Illinois
- Gestorben: 25. Nov. 2003, Illinois im Alter von 86 Jahren
RESIDENCY: Springfield, IL
Notes: (from Florence)
Mother died when Florence was seven days old, and was raised by the Brunner grandparents. Visited with Henry (father) and brother/sisters once a year, and didn't know well. After Henry died, Dorothy and Florence became friends.
Florence heiratete Warren F Dodd am 4. Jul. 1935 in Illinois. (Warren F Dodd wurde geboren am 28. Nov. 1904 in Loami, getauft im Dez. 1949 in Illinois und starb am 23. Apr. 1993.)